Hernán Echeverría
Hernán Echeverría
Investigador INTA-Profesor FCA-UNMP
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Crop rotations and nitrogen fertilization to manage soil organic carbon dynamics
GA Studdert, HE Echeverria
Soil Science Society of America Journal 64 (4), 1496-1503, 2000
Crop‐pasture rotation for sustaining the quality and productivity of a typic Argiudoll
GA Studdert, HE Echeverría, EM Casanovas
Soil Science Society of America Journal 61 (5), 1466-1472, 1997
Nitrogen use efficiency in maize as affected by nitrogen availability and row spacing
PA Barbieri, HE Echeverría, HR Saínz Rozas, FH Andrade
Agronomy Journal 100 (4), 1094-1100, 2008
Row spacing effects at different levels of nitrogen availability in maize
PA Barbieri, HRS Rozas, FH Andrade, HE Echeverria
Agronomy Journal 92 (2), 283-288, 2000
Bases para el manejo del maíz, el girasol y la soja
FH Andrade, VO Sadras, LA Aguirrezábal, HA Alvarez Castillo, F Bedmar, ...
Balcarce: Editorial Médica Panamericana,, 2000
Niveles de carbono orgánico y pH en suelos agrícolas de las regiones pampeana y extrapampeana argentina
HR Sainz Rozas, HE Echeverria, HP Angelini
Ciencia del suelo 29 (1), 29-37, 2011
Nitrogen balance as affected by application time and nitrogen fertilizer rate in irrigated no‐tillage maize
HRS Rozas, HE Echeverría, PA Barbieri
Agronomy Journal 96 (6), 1622-1631, 2004
Timing of nitrogen fertilization in wheat under conventional and no‐tillage system
MA Melaj, HE Echeverría, SC López, G Studdert, F Andrade, NO Bárbaro
Agronomy Journal 95 (6), 1525-1531, 2003
Soil available phosphorus status determines indigenous mycorrhizal colonization of field and glasshouse-grown spring wheat from Argentina
F Covacevich, HE Echeverría, LAN Aguirrezabal
Applied Soil Ecology 35 (1), 1-9, 2007
Comparación de métodos para determinar carbono orgánico en suelo
M Eyherabide, H Saínz Rozas, P Barbieri, HE Echeverría
Ciencia del suelo 32 (1), 13-19, 2014
Nitrogen dilution curves and nitrogen use efficiency during winter–spring growth of annual ryegrass
MA Marino, A Mazzanti, SG Assuero, F Gastal, HE Echeverría, F Andrade
Agronomy Journal 96 (3), 601-607, 2004
No‐till maize nitrogen uptake and yield: Effect of urease inhibitor and application time
HS Rozas, HE Echeverrı´ a, GA Studdert, FH Andrade
Agronomy Journal 91 (6), 950-955, 1999
Fertilidad de suelos y fertilización de cultivos
HE Echeverría, FO García, PE Abbate, LA Aguirrezábal, T Albaugh, ...
Buenos Aires: INTA,, 2005
Long term nitrogen fertilization: Soil property changes in an Argentinean Pampas soil under no tillage
GA Divito, HRS Rozas, HE Echeverría, GA Studdert, N Wyngaard
Soil and Tillage Research 114 (2), 117-126, 2011
Organic and inorganic phosphorus in Mollisol soil under different tillage practices
EC Zamuner, LI Picone, HE Echeverria
Soil and Tillage Research 99 (2), 131-138, 2008
Relación entre las lecturas del medidor de clorofila (Minolta SPAD 502) en distintos estadios del ciclo del cultivo de maíz y el rendimiento en grano
H Sainz Rozas, HE Echeverría
Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía 103, 1998
The phosphorus source determines the arbuscular mycorrhizal potential and the native mycorrhizal colonization of tall fescue and wheatgrass
F Covacevich, MA Marino, HE Echeverría
European Journal of Soil Biology 42 (3), 127-138, 2006
Los desafíos de la agricultura argentina: satisfacer las futuras demandas y reducir el impacto ambiental
FH Andrade, MA Taboada, RD Lema, NO Maceira, HE Echeverria, ...
Ediciones INTA, 2017
Fertilization and tillage effects on soil properties and maize yield in a Southern Pampas Argiudoll
N Wyngaard, HE Echeverría, HRS Rozas, GA Divito
Soil and Tillage Research 119, 22-30, 2012
Guía para la fertilización fosfatada de trigo, maíz, girasol y soja
HE Hecheverría
INTA-Estacion Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce, 1998
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Articles 1–20