Nivethika Mahasivam
Nivethika Mahasivam
MSc, IMSE, BSc Eng, University of Peradeniya
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Cited by
Tabular data cleaning and linked data generation with Grafterizer
D Sukhobok, N Nikolov, A Pultier, X Ye, A Berre, R Moynihan, B Roberts, ...
The Semantic Web: ESWC 2016 Satellite Events, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May …, 2016
Personalized and adaptive user interface framework for mobile application
M Nivethika, I Vithiya, S Anntharshika, S Deegalla
2013 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and …, 2013
Data preparation as a service based on Apache Spark
N Mahasivam, N Nikolov, D Sukhobok, D Roman
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing: 6th IFIP WG 2.14 European Conference …, 2017
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing
F De Paoli, S Schulte, EB Johnsen
Springer International Publishing, 2017
RADAR-base: An Open Source mHealth Platform for Collecting, Monitoring and Analyzing data Using Sensors, Wearables, and Mobile Devices
AA Folarin
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Articles 1–5