Siamak Hajizadeh
Siamak Hajizadeh
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Cited by
Deep convolutional neural networks for detection of rail surface defects
S Faghih-Roohi, S Hajizadeh, A Núñez, R Babuska, B De Schutter
2016 International joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 2584-2589, 2016
A big data analysis approach for rail failure risk assessment
A Jamshidi, S Faghih‐Roohi, S Hajizadeh, A Núñez, R Babuska, ...
Risk analysis 37 (8), 1495-1507, 2017
A decision support approach for condition-based maintenance of rails based on big data analysis
A Jamshidi, S Hajizadeh, Z Su, M Naeimi, A Núñez, R Dollevoet, ...
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 95, 185-206, 2018
Semi-supervised rail defect detection from imbalanced image data
S Hajizadeh, A Núnez, DMJ Tax
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (3), 78-83, 2016
T Van Krimpen, D Looije, S Hajizadeh
Complex Automated Negotiations: Theories, Models, and Software Competitions …, 2013
Spatial interplay of lymphocytes and fibroblasts in estrogen receptor-positive HER2-negative breast cancer
I Nederlof, S Hajizadeh, F Sobhani, SEA Raza, K AbdulJabbar, R Harkes, ...
NPJ Breast Cancer 8 (1), 56, 2022
Evaluating classification performance with only positive and unlabeled samples
S Hajizadeh, Z Li, RPBJ Dollevoet, DMJ Tax
Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Joint IAPR …, 2014
A Big Data Analysis Approach for Rail Failure Risk Assessment [J]
J Ali, FR Shahrzad, H Siamak, N Alfredo, B Robert, LRD Zili, S Bart
Risk Analysis 8, 1495-1507, 2017
3O Spatial analysis of lymphocytes and fibroblasts identifies biological relevant patterns in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer
I Nederlof, S Hajizadeh, F Sobhani, SA Raza, C Desmedt, RF Salgado, ...
Annals of Oncology 32, S22-S23, 2021
Influencing factors for condition-based maintenance in railway tracks using knowledge-based approach
A Jamshidi, S Hajizadeh, M Naeimi, A Nunez, Z Li
1st International Conference on Rail Transportation, 2017
Inferring Arithmetic Expressions from Data
S Hajizadeh
Sciences, 2012
2 Overall Structure
T van Krimpen, D Looije, S Hajizadeh
Complex Automated Negotiations: Theories, Models, and Software Competitions, 223, 0
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Articles 1–12