François de Soyres
François de Soyres
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How much will the Belt and Road Initiative reduce trade costs?
F de Soyres, A Mulabdic, S Murray, N Rocha, M Ruta
International Economics 159 (October 2019.), Pages 151-164, 2018
Common transport infrastructure: A quantitative model and estimates from the Belt and Road Initiative
F de Soyres, A Mulabdic, M Ruta
Journal of Development Economics 143, 2020
Demand-Supply imbalance during the Covid-19 pandemic: The role of fiscal policy
F de Soyres, AM Santacreu, HL Young
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 2023
Bought, sold and bought again: the impact of complex value chains on export elasticities
E Frohm, V Gunnella, E Pavlova, F de Soyres
European Economic Review 140, 2021
Middle East and North Africa Economic Monitor, April 2018: Economic Transformation
R Arezki, L Mottaghi, A Barone, RY Fan, Y Kiendrebeogo, D Lederman
The world bank, 2018
Value added and productivity linkages across countries
F de Soyres, A Gaillard
FRB International Finance Discussion Paper, 2019
Global Trade and GDP Comovement
F de Soyres, A Gaillard
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 138, 2022
The Growth and Welfare Effects of the Belt and Road Initiative on East Asia Pacific Countries
F de Soyres
The impact of global value chains on the euro area economy
V Gunnella, A Al-Haschimi, K Benkovskis, F Chiacchio, F de Soyres, ...
Occasional Paper Series, 2019
Inflation dynamics and global value chains
F de Soyres, S Franco
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2019
Regional Trade Agreements with Global Value Chains
F de Soyres, J Maire, G Sublet
What Kenya’s mobile money success could mean for the Arab world
F Soyres, MJ Abdel, C Cerruti, L Kiwara
The World Bank, 2018
Accumulated Savings during the Pandemic: An International Comparison with Historical Perspective
F De Soyres, D Moore, J Ortiz
An update on Excess Savings in Selected Advanced Economies
F de Soyres, D Moore, J Ortiz
Lessons from Past Monetary Easing Cycles
F de Soyres, Z Saijid
Why is the US GDP recovering faster than other advanced economies?
F de Soyres, JGC Herrero, N Goernemann, S Jeon, G Lofstrom, D Moore
Supply Disruptions and Fiscal Stimulus: Transmission through Global Value Chains
F de Soyres, A Gaillard, AM Santacreu, D Moore
AEA Papers and Proceedings 114, 112-117, 2024
Forward Looking Exporters
F de Soyres, E Frohm, E Highkin, C Mix
International Finance Discussion Paper, 2023
What is Measured in National Accounts?
F de Soyres, A Gaillard, HL Young
International Finance Discussion Paper, 2023
Disinflation Progress: A Comparison of Advanced Economies
G Lofstrom, M Lott, C Machol, Z Saijid, F de Soyres
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US), 2024
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Articles 1–20