The giant metre-wave radio telescope G Swarup, S Ananthakrishnan, VK Kapahi, AP Rao, CR Subrahmanya, ... Current science 60 (2), 95-105, 1991 | 690 | 1991 |
A Model for the Sources of the Slowly Varying Component of Microwave Solar Radiation. T Kakinuma, G Swarup Astrophysical Journal, vol. 136, p. 975 136, 975, 1962 | 221 | 1962 |
Large steerable radio telescope at Ootacamund, India G Swarup, NVG Sarma, MN Joshi, VK Kapahi, DS Bagri, SH Damle, ... Nature Physical Science 230 (17), 185-188, 1971 | 202 | 1971 |
1830-211-gravitational lensed images of a flat-spectrum radio core R Subrahmanyan, D Narasimha, A Pramesh-Rao, G Swarup Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 246, NO. 2/SEP15, P …, 1990 | 97 | 1990 |
A new spectral characteristic in solar radio emission A Maxwell, G Swarup Nature 181 (4601), 36-38, 1958 | 91 | 1958 |
The Association of Solar Radio Bursts with Flares and Prominences. G Swarup, PH Stone, A Maxwell Astrophysical Journal, vol. 131, p. 725 131, 725, 1960 | 90 | 1960 |
IAU Coll. 131, Radio interferometry: Theory, techniques, and applications G Swarup San Francisco, CA: ASP, 1991 | 84 | 1991 |
Nematode parasites of cereals. G Swarup, C Sosa-Moss | 79 | 1990 |
The Universe at Low Radio Frequencies L Feretti, G Swarup Proceedings of IAU Symposium 199, 133, 2002 | 77 | 2002 |
Angular Size–Flux Density Relation for Extragalactic Radio Sources G Swarup Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 172 (3), 501-512, 1975 | 72 | 1975 |
High-Resolution Studies of Ten Solar Active Regions at Wavelengths of 3-21 cm. G Swarup, T Kakinuma, AE Covington, GA Harvey, RF Mullaly, J Rome Astrophysical Journal, vol. 137, p. 1251 137, 1251, 1963 | 63 | 1963 |
Giant metrewave radio telescope (GMRT)—scientific objectives and design aspects G Swarup NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 1990 | 60 | 1990 |
The radio spectrum of solar activity A Maxwell, G Swarup, AR Thompson Proceedings of the IRE 46 (1), 142-148, 1958 | 54 | 1958 |
Phase adjustment of large antennas G Swarup, K Yang IRE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 9 (1), 75-81, 1961 | 50 | 1961 |
The Stanford microwave spectroheliograph antenna, a microsteradian pencil beam interferometer R Bracewell, G Swarup IRE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 9 (1), 22-30, 1961 | 50 | 1961 |
Hotspots and radio lobes of quasars G Swarup, RP Sinha, K Hilldrup Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 208 (4), 813-843, 1984 | 44 | 1984 |
A search for the optical/IR counterpart of the probable Einstein ring source 1830–211 S Djorgovski, G Meylan, A Klemola, DJ Thompson, WN Weir, G Swarup, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 257 (2), 240-244, 1992 | 43 | 1992 |
Evolution of extended extragalactic double radio sources G Swarup, DG Banhatti Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 194 (4), 1025-1032, 1981 | 35 | 1981 |
Extended radio jets in the high-redshift quasars 3C 9 and 280.1 G Swarup, RP Sinha, DJ Saikia Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 201 (2), 393-400, 1982 | 33 | 1982 |
Simultaneous observations of pulsar intensity variations at Parkes and Ootacamund OB Slee, JG Ables, RA Batchelor, S Krishna-Mohan, VR Venugopal, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 167, Apr. 1974, p …, 1974 | 31 | 1974 |