Jooyoung Jeon
Jooyoung Jeon
KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology)
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Forecasting: theory and practice
F Petropoulos, D Apiletti, V Assimakopoulos, MZ Babai, DK Barrow, ...
International Journal of Forecasting 38 (3), 705-871, 2022
Using conditional kernel density estimation for wind power density forecasting
J Jeon, JW Taylor
Journal of the American Statistical Association 107 (497), 66-79, 2012
Probabilistic forecast reconciliation with applications to wind power and electric load
J Jeon, A Panagiotelis, F Petropoulos
European Journal of Operational Research 279 (2), 364-379, 2019
Using CAViaR models with implied volatility for Value‐at‐Risk estimation
J Jeon, JW Taylor
Journal of Forecasting 32 (1), 62-74, 2013
Probabilistic forecasting of wave height for offshore wind turbine maintenance
JW Taylor, J Jeon
European Journal of Operational Research 267 (3), 877-890, 2018
Short-term density forecasting of wave energy using ARMA-GARCH models and kernel density estimation
J Jeon, JW Taylor
International Journal of Forecasting 32 (3), 991-1004, 2016
Treating and pruning: new approaches to forecasting model selection and combination using prediction intervals
E Meira, FLC Oliveira, J Jeon
International Journal of Forecasting 37 (2), 547-568, 2021
Forecasting wind power quantiles using conditional kernel estimation
JW Taylor, J Jeon
Renewable Energy 80, 370-379, 2015
Reconciliation of probabilistic forecasts with an application to wind power
J Jeon, A Panagiotelis, F Petropoulos
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.02635, 2018
Probabilistic forecast-based portfolio optimization of electricity demand at low aggregation levels
J Park, E Alvarenga, J Jeon, R Li, F Petropoulos, H Kim, K Ahn
Applied Energy 353, 122109, 2024
After the split: market efficiency of Bitcoin Cash
H Kim, E Yi, J Jeon, T Park, K Ahn
Computational Economics 64 (1), 411-427, 2024
Scaling behavior and text cohesion in Korean texts
H Kim, S Park, M Jeong, H Byun, J Kim, DY Lee, J Jeon, E Yi, K Ahn
Plos one 18 (8), e0290168, 2023
Using implied volatility with CAViaR models for value at risk estimation
J Jeon, JW Taylor
Journal of Forecasting 32 (1), 62-74, 2013
The power of twitter on predicting box office revenues
J Jeon, P McSharry
Drought and energy stock markets in the United States
S Kim, J Jeon, H Kim
Environmental Research Letters 19 (9), 094012, 2024
Aprimorando previsões de abastecimento de energia com algoritmos de Bagging e métodos de amortecimento exponencial
E Meira, F CYRINO, F Petropoulos, J Jeon
Galoá, 2019
Aprimorando previsoes de abastecimento de energia com algoritmos de bagging metodos de amortecimento exponencial
EM de Oliveira, FLC Oliveira, F Petropoulos, J Jeon
Li Simposio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 2019
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Articles 1–17