Miguel A. Llapapasca Ll.
Miguel A. Llapapasca Ll.
Dr. Sc.
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Cited by
Patterns of spatial and temporal distribution of humpback whales at the southern limit of the Southeast Pacific breeding area
C Guidino, MA Llapapasca, S Silva, B Alcorta, AS Pacheco
PLoS One 9 (11), e112627, 2014
Short Note Cetaceans Diversity Revealed from Whale-Watching
AS Pacheco, S Silva, B Alcorta, S Gubbins, C Guidino, F Sanchez-Salazar, ...
Aquatic Mammals 45 (1), 116-122, 2019
Killer whale (Orcinus orca) occurrence and interactions with marine mammals off Peru
JP Testino, A Petit, B Alcorta, AS Pacheco, S Silva, J Alfaro-Shigueto, ...
Pacific Science 73 (2), 261-273, 2019
Modeling the potential habitats of dusky, commons and bottlenose dolphins in the Humboldt Current System off Peru: The influence of non-El Niño vs. El Niño 1997-98 conditions …
MA Llapapasca, AS Pacheco, P Fiedler, E Goya, J Ledesma, C Peña, ...
Progress in Oceanography 168, 169-181, 2018
The Black Sea turtle (Chelonia mydas agassizii) at Lobos de Tierra Island, Northern Peru: high densities in small areas
J Quiñones, I García-Godos, M Llapapasca, F Van Ordt, E Paredes
South American Journal of Herpetology 10 (3), 178-186, 2015
Modeling breeding habitats of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae as a function of group composition
AS Pacheco, MA Llapapasca, NL López-Tejada, S Silva, B Alcorta
Marine Ecology Progress Series 666, 203-215, 2021
Aerial behavior of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae at the southern limit of the southeast Pacific breeding area
AS Pacheco, S Silva, B Alcorta, N Balducci, C Guidino, MA Llapapasca, ...
Revista de biología marina y oceanografía 48 (1), 185-191, 2013
Depredadores superiores en Punta San Juan, Perú, GEF UNDP. 2014
E Goya Sueyoshi, VM Bachmann Caller, M Llapapasca Lloclla, ...
Instituto del Mar del Perú, 2020
The oxygen minimum zone relative depth is a key driver of dolphin habitats in the northern Humboldt Current System
MA Llapapasca, MA Pardo, D Grados, J Quinones
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 1027366, 2022
Comportamiento aéreo de la ballena jorobada Megaptera novaeangliae en el límite sur de la zona reproductora en el Pacífico sureste
AS Pacheco, S Silva, B Alcorta, N Balducci, C Guidino, MA Llapapasca, ...
Revista de biología marina y oceanografía 48 (1), 185-191, 2013
Modelos de hábitat potencial de Odontocetos Teutófagos (Grampus griseus y Globicephala spp.) en el ecosistema norte de la Corriente de Humbold
MA Llapapasca, J Quiñones
Aves marinas en las islas Ballestas y Chincha, GEF-UNDP Perú, 2013
E Goya Sueyoshi, C Cardich Manrique de Lara, M Llapapasca Lloclla, ...
Instituto del Mar del Perú, 2020
Depredadores superiores en isla Lobos de Tierra, Perú. Evaluación de Línea Base (GEF–UNDP 2014)
R Aguilar-Arakaki, M Llapapasca Lloclla, J Quiñones Dávila, ...
Instituto del Mar del Perú, 2020
Patterns of Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Humpback Whales at the Southern
C Guidino, MA Llapapasca, S Silva, B Alcorta, AS Pacheco
Patrón de distribución espacio-temporal de la ballena jorobada (Megaptera novaeangliae Boroski, 1781) en la costa norte del Perú
MA Llapapasca Lloclla
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, 2014
Aerial behavior of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae at the southern limit of the southeast Pacific breeding area [Comportamiento aéreo de la ballena jorobada Megaptera …
AS Pacheco, S Silva, B Alcorta, N Balducci, C Guidino, MA Llapapasca, ...
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Articles 1–16