Evidence for topological defects in a photoinduced phase transition A Zong, A Kogar, YQ Bie, T Rohwer, C Lee, E Baldini, E Ergeçen, ... Nature Physics 15 (1), 27-31, 2019 | 211 | 2019 |
Regression relation for pure quantum states and its implications for efficient computing TA Elsayed, BV Fine Physical Review Letters 110 (7), 070404, 2013 | 96 | 2013 |
Absence of exponential sensitivity to small perturbations in nonintegrable systems of spins 1/2 BV Fine, TA Elsayed, CM Kropf, AS de Wijn Physical Review E 89 (1), 012923, 2014 | 72 | 2014 |
Typical state of an isolated quantum system with fixed energy and unrestricted participation of eigenstates BV Fine Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (5 …, 2009 | 51 | 2009 |
Universal long-time behavior of nuclear spin decays in a solid SW Morgan, BV Fine, B Saam Physical review letters 101 (6), 067601, 2008 | 50 | 2008 |
Highly efficient thermophones based on freestanding single-walled carbon nanotube films SA Romanov, AE Aliev, BV Fine, AS Anisimov, AG Nasibulin Nanoscale Horizons 4 (5), 1158-1163, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |
Spin‐Lattice Coupling and Superconductivity in Fe Pnictides T Egami, BV Fine, D Parshall, A Subedi, DJ Singh Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 2010 (1), 164916, 2010 | 47 | 2010 |
Equilibrium entanglement vanishes at finite temperature BV Fine, F Mintert, A Buchleitner Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (15), 153105, 2005 | 47 | 2005 |
Long-time behavior of spin echo BV Fine Physical review letters 94 (24), 247601, 2005 | 46 | 2005 |
Largest lyapunov exponents for lattices of interacting classical spins AS de Wijn, B Hess, BV Fine Physical review letters 109 (3), 034101, 2012 | 44 | 2012 |
Nonthermal statistics in isolated quantum spin clusters after a series of perturbations K Ji, BV Fine Physical review letters 107 (5), 050401, 2011 | 39 | 2011 |
Long-time behavior of nuclear spin decays in various lattices EG Sorte, BV Fine, B Saam Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (6), 064302, 2011 | 36 | 2011 |
Hypothesis of two-dimensional stripe arrangement and its implications for the superconductivity in high- cuprates BV Fine Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (22), 224508, 2004 | 36 | 2004 |
Sensitivity to small perturbations in systems of large quantum spins TA Elsayed, BV Fine Physica Scripta 2015 (T165), 014011, 2015 | 34 | 2015 |
Lyapunov instabilities in lattices of interacting classical spins at infinite temperature AS De Wijn, B Hess, BV Fine Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (25), 254012, 2013 | 34 | 2013 |
Long-time relaxation on spin lattice as a manifestation of chaotic dynamics BV Fine International Journal of Modern Physics B 18 (08), 1119-1159, 2004 | 33 | 2004 |
Signatures of chaos in time series generated by many-spin systems at high temperatures TA Elsayed, B Hess, BV Fine Physical Review E 90 (2), 022910, 2014 | 31 | 2014 |
Amplitude dynamics of the charge density wave in : Theoretical description of pump-probe experiments PE Dolgirev, AV Rozhkov, A Zong, A Kogar, N Gedik, BV Fine Physical Review B 101 (5), 054203, 2020 | 29 | 2020 |
Magnetic vortices instead of stripes: Another interpretation of magnetic neutron scattering in lanthanum cuprates BV Fine Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (6), 060504, 2007 | 29 | 2007 |
Phase separation in the vicinity of quantum-critical doping concentration: Implications for high-temperature superconductors BV Fine, T Egami Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (1), 014519, 2008 | 28 | 2008 |